1. Docs
  2. Documentation (GA3)
  3. Monitor keyword position as time series

Monitor keyword position as time series

This article walks you through the necessary steps to show the average position of specific keywords in a time series chart.

Monitor a single keyword

  1. Add a time series chart

    google data studio time series chart

  2. Select the “Avg. Position” metric and delete the “Session” metric

    Google data studio add metric

  3. Now you have to add a Source/Medium filter and a filter for the specific keyword

    google data studio add filter

    Source/Medium filter

    Google data studio create source-medium filter

    Keyword filter

    Google data studio create keyword filter

  4. Now you can rename the metric “Avg. Position” according to your specific keyword.

    Google data studio rename metric

    All done!

    Google data studio keyword position as time series

Updated on November 30, 2020

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