Logfile analysis allows website owners a deep insight about how Google and other search engines crawl their pages. How often does a bot come by a page, which pages are rarely or not at all visited by the bots? For which pages does the bot get errors? All these and more questions can be answered
Category: R
Analyzing the relationship of Twitter users towards brands (e. g. Air Berlin) Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook enable everyone to voice their opinions about topics, companies, and products online. These comments are a great source for companies to analyze their customers’ opinion about their brand or product. However, with billions of Tweets
Using R and Google’s Keyword Planner to evaluate size and competitiveness of international markets. Our Product: the Keyword Hero About two months ago our team developed a new SaaS product, the Keyword Hero. It’s the only solution to “decrypt” the organic keywords in Google Analytics that users searched for in order to get to
Using SHA256 to hash email addresses If you upload your users’ email addresses to Facebook or AdWords, you should hash them to conform and abide by all data privacy and protection rules. Uploading them to these two marketing systems requires the SHA-256 hash algorithm, other algorithms do not work as your users will not be